CFHI has deep roots in the Rivière-des-Prairies community. It works with families in the neighborhood and surrounding area, from an intercultural perspective.
Our activities are particularly aimed at supporting families by working with them to reduce risk factors, for their well-being. This objective is achieved by supporting the improvement of their conditions through employability assistance, food security, leisure and socialization activities, educational activities and psychosocial support.
Some of our members come from more or less recent immigrant backgrounds, and we support them in their gradual integration into the host society.
CFHI is a community organization non-profit organization. Founded April 13, 1989
Support families from the cultural communities of Rivière-des-Prairies and surrounding areas to improve their living conditions and facilitate their integration into the host society.
Respect implies consideration for others in their entirety and uniqueness. It also refers to the concern to establish a relationship without judgment or discrimination.
Openness refers to the way in which each person is welcomed into the organization, with a warm and attentive ear. This value also underpins our openness to difference.
Mutual aid is expressed through the mutual support that two families can offer each other, and is based on mutual trust. It also refers to the CFHI’s roots in its community, which aims to be supportive and welcoming.
Commitment refers to the promise of excellence through which CFHI seeks to support its members in fully realizing its mission for the benefit of the families who frequent the organization.
Integrity is the foundation on which every employee undertakes to act transparently, honestly and ethically towards themselves and others.
The organization's goals
Facilitate the integration and empowerment of its members
Promote and encourage intercultural and intergenerational links between members of the organization and those of the Rivière-des-Prairies community.
Helping immigrant families integrate into the job market
Supporting and accompanying families living in vulnerable situations
Accompany members in resolving their problems by offering support, accompaniment, popular education, information and referral to existing local resources.